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Jasmin, Cradle of Love Babyhome 

My Name is Jasmin (18 Years). I did an internship at Cradle of Love in February 2020 for 4 weeks. This wonderful time and experience I will never forget in my live. I had a great welcome at my first day and I started directly helping the Nannies by feeding the Babies. This Project is a Heart project, the staff and the volunteers worked so good together and you can notice how much love influenced in this Project. My duties in these 4 weeks was to feed the babies, change their clothes and nappies.


Beside these tasks I also got the opportunity to visit a hospital and got an inside view what they also doing outside the Babyhome. We visit a lot of families from outreach programs and their kids if everything is alright. In the same week we went to a typical African market for our weekly shopping and got huge rice sacks, fruits, vegetables and other stuff that the kids need. Because of my work at home I played for the shopping and the pleasure was great.  In these weeks I learned that the help from volunteers is so important for the projects and that’s why I already planned my second visit.


If you´re thinking about doing Volunteering in one of the projects I would recommend you to take these chance.


Any questions? Contact us!

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